Hacking Web Apps

Mike Shema

Last updated on: September 6, 2020

In between writing lines of code, I try to twist my fingers into typing more human-friendly output. In this case, it’s a new book on web security called, simply enough, Hacking Web Apps. It explains several web security weaknesses and vulnerabilities, from HTML injection to protecting passwords, to design issues that lead to CSRF, clickjacking and more.HWA

Most well-known web compromises tend to stem from HTML injection (cross-site scripting, or XSS) or SQL injection. After all, those vulns tend to be easy-to-find and deliver high-impact results like site defacement or stealing millions of passwords. By now, we have tools like sqlmap and BeEF that strip most of the mystery from how these vulns are exploited. Ask someone experienced in web security how easy it is to find XSS and they’ll probably call it child’s play. Check out the OWASP Top 10 and you’ll see XSS detectability rated as easy.

But HTML injection continues to infest sites regardless of their size or sophistication, which seems to imply that its detectability might not be so easy after all. Maybe XSS remains unknown to the huge population of developers building web sites, or maybe the increasing complexity of sites makes security exponentially harder to maintain. Maybe it’s hard to evaluate the tens of millions of sites on the web when there might not even be tens of thousands of people capable of doing it well. At the very least, more education should help.

The book explains how XSS shows up in unexpected places, giving you hints on what to look for in your own site as well as things to consider when coding countermeasures (hint: regular expressions are tough to get right). Even sites with well-informed developers and experienced security teams have this problem.

xssAnd those unexpected places? The HTML injection chapter hacked Amazon right from the printed page. A Gutenberg Press Injection attack, if you will.

Then there are hacks like cross-site request forgery (CSRF) and clickjacking that blur the line between tools and manual testing. The search pages for Bing, Google and Yahoo are all, strictly speaking, vulnerable to CSRF. Manual analysis is required to assess the relative risks in such cases and consider whether certain threats are worth addressing. This is the engineering side of security: weighing trade-offs between performance, complexity, threats and risks. Learning about the kinds of design problems that lead to insecure sites helps you avoid them in the future.

Different design problems are covered in the book, as well as the mistakes that happen when good design is betrayed by poor implementation. What if a site lets you apply a discount code multiple times? What if it lets you modify the email recipient for password reset instructions? What if it encourages you to create a long passphrase, but only uses the first eight characters? These sorts of problems are harder, if not impossible, to find with any automated tool. This is why it’s good to stay informed about web security beyond the simple XSS and SQL injection vulns we hear about so often.

And if you’re still unconvinced about the importance of web security, consider this paragraph from the introduction:

On the web information equals money. Credit cards clearly have value to hackers; underground "carder" sites have popped up that deal in stolen cards; complete with forums, user feedback, and seller ratings. Yet our personal information, passwords, email accounts, on-line game accounts, and so forth all have value to the right buyer, let alone the value we personally place in keeping such things private. Consider the murky realms of economic espionage and state-sponsored network attacks that have popular attention and grand claims, but a scarcity of reliable public information. (Not that it matters to web security that "cyberwar" exists or not; on that topic we care more about WarGames and Wintermute for this book.) It’s possible to map just about any scam, cheat, trick, ruse, and other synonyms from real-world conflict between people, companies, and countries to an analogous attack executed on the web. There’s no lack of motivation for trying to gain illicit access to the wealth of information on the web, whether for glory, country, money, or sheer curiosity.

Hacking Web Apps aims to give you a feeling for how hackers exploit web sites along with examples and details about each vuln’s inner workings. Whether you’re developing a web application, or are just curious how hackers take apart web sites, there should be something in there for you.

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